Charles Frederick Foster, MSM

Charles Frederick Foster

1889 - 1974

Nationality: Canadian
Country of Service: Canada
Branch of Service: Army
Unit: Militia: 35th Simcoe Foresters, 38th Dufferin Rifles, 5th Royal Highlanders of Canada
First World War: 42nd Battalion
Second World War: Veteran's Guard of Canada
Final Rank: Militia: Private
First World War: Warrant Officer II (CSM)
Second World War: Corporal
Dates Served: Milita: 1905
First World War: 11 Feb 1915 - 12 Mar 1919
Second World War: 1939 - 1945
Where Served: France & Belgium; Canada
Comments: Served overseas with the 13th Bn (Perpetuated by the Black Watch (Royal Highland Regiment) of Canada during the First World War.
Served with No. 20 C.I.B.T.C. (Canadian Infantry (Basic) Training Centre) in Brantford, ON during the Second World War.
Here is a pay sheet showing Charles Frederick Foster's militia service . Here is a copy of Charles Frederick Foster's service file. Here is a copy of Charles Frederick Foster's medal card.

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